Instructional PresentationPrepMasters is going to make you a star! Because by the time you give your formal 20-minute Instructional Presentation on Day 3, you'll have solidified your newly acquired instructional skill set. PrepMasters has developed an Individual-Focused Presentation Teaching Program that assures that your video presentation will be the absolute best it could be. First, sample presentation materials and videos are included in your Pre-Class Learning Kit that you'll receive two weeks before the actual 3-Day Workshop begins. The Master Instructor will also interview you on the phone prior to the Workshop, to jumpstart the coaching process. And once the Workshop begins, the Master Instructor will help you further develop a professional and engaging presentation. You'll actually make two video presentations, the first “test” presentation is recorded to identify and assess your presentation strengths and weaknesses. And the second “formal” presentation will be recorded with a minimum of five students. You'll present like the professional you are, and do it in a supportive classroom environment. What’s more, our video camera operator will capture and reproduce your stellar performance on high-quality DVD equipment. Upon completion, you will be awarded a Train-the-Trainer Certificate. This presentation will cement learning and develop your new skill-set, and will be ready for CTT+ submission. See, it’s fun being a star!
Student Video TestimonialsNavigationTestimonials
I learned many, many tips including things I shouldn't do.
Donna Stanziola
The video made me “see” how I really look and teach. It made me aware of my voice,
posture and some statements I should not say. This workshop is very well organized,
the materials are well done, and the instructor is very very positive.
Become a Great Trainer
Memorable Quote“Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi Approved by… |