MCT-Train the Trainer Online Certification TrainingEnroll Today!
Three options for Online MCT-Train-the-Trainer:Option 1 — MCT-Train-the-Trainer Online: no video requirement. Option 2 — Train-the-Trainer Plus: everything in Train-the-Trainer online plus video requirement. Option 3 — Train-the-Trainer+ and CTT+: everything in Train-the-Trainer online plus video requirement and preparation for the CTT+ certification. Your MCT-Train-the-Trainer Online Learning is available on-demand 24/7 in PrepMasters' Student Learning Area.This online course shows you how to become an interactive, engaging and effective trainer. Upon completion of the course, a Train-the-Trainer certificate will be issued. The Online MCT-Train-the-Trainer class is accepted by Microsoft for proof of instructional expertise for the MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer). Get certified at your own speed! Prepmasters MCT TTT online certification (0.97 M) MCT-Train-the-Trainer Certification Steps
Option 1 - MCT-Train-the-Trainer Online training includes:
Option 2 - Train-the-Trainer Plus Online training includes:
Option 3 - Train-the-Trainer Plus and CTT+ Classroom Trainer Distance Learning includes:
TimeframeThis certification may be accomplished from the comfort of your home or office. You will have 1 year from the date of your enrollment to complete the online training program. You may review the online videos and sample presentations as often as necessary during the 1 year period. Technical RequirementsInternet access is required for this course. The streaming videos, exam and sample materials are accessed through an easy to use website. You are provided a link to this website upon enrollment. The Online Train-the-Trainer program is accessible via Mac (Apple) or PC. MCT-Train-the-Trainer Plus students only: You must produce your own video equipment and instructional video in one of the accepted formats (see "Video Guidelines for MCT-Train-the-Trainer Plus Students" below). Video guidelines for MCT-Train-the-Trainer Plus StudentsA Master Instructor will help you prepare for the video presentation. You are responsible for providing your own video equipment, classrooms and students for the video. Train the Trainer Online ExamAfter studying the Train-the-Trainer E-Book, you will take a 50 question online test to reinforce key skills. Train-the-Trainer CertificateProviding that submissions meet the minimum requirements set forth in the training course, PrepMasters will issue the Train-the-Trainer certificate via email and/or standard mail. Language requirementsParticipants must read and speak basic English. Prerequisites for MCT-Train the Trainer Online CertificationThere are no prerequisites.
Online Learning PortalIncludes access to all training materials and bonus materials. All programs include 1 year of access to Trainer's Edge from date of first login. Enroll me in the Online MCT-Train-the-Trainer Certification Now! |
Student Video TestimonialsNavigationTestimonials
The sample template and the sample videos in the PLK were integral to my
understanding of the requirements of the workshop, and they put my mind
at ease. This workshop was even better than I expected & makes me feel
more confident about teaching. The Master Instructor is great and
practices what she preaches. The video was so important that I can't even
begin to describe it. The total spirit of camaraderie and support really
impressed me during the workshop.
Teri Miller
Thanks Master Trainer & to all your great helpers behind the scene!
Become a Great Trainer
Memorable Quote“Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi Approved by… |